Saturday, October 5, 2013

Opioid based food addiction

Do some of us product opioids
as a result of eating some foods?


So if we are addicted to food,
is it the opioid? Likely.

So what foods?
Wheat, barley... Glutins, Gladins
And dairy proteins,
butter, cheese

So abstinence is the way
out of addiction.

Now no butter, no cheese.

But the question is are we more sensitive
than normal people to opioids, or
do we produce more, as have
the enzyme to split the opioid peptide
out of the protein chains?


  1. do you read itsthewooo, Fred? she has an interesting post up right now about brain chemistry and OTC stimulants, which certainly could include food-based opioids...

  2. Thanks Tess.

    Woo does not accept addictions as real, and her verbose style
    is beyond my endurance and comprehension much of the time.

    There are five groups of chemicals involved in addiction, either consumed or naturally produced as a result of an environmental situation (behavioral addictions). These are dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, opioids, and stimulus. We have a "I like, I want more " reaction, and if more is available... This is the basis of food addiction, complicated further by an over release of insulin and adrenaline, resulting in a insulin overshot induced hunger, and more consumption.

  3. "Woo does not accept addictions as real, and her verbose style
    is beyond my endurance and comprehension much of the time."

    I'm in agreement Fred.
    However, I think she would be a very interesting woman to know in real life. Never a dull moment 'methinks'

    Eddie (I've always loved a challenge)


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